Welcome Back! It's been a marvelous 3 months away, away from work, my book tour, and blogging. I can definitely recommend being absent from Northeast Ohio from Christmas to Easter. Now, though, I'm back and have so much to share, not only of my travels, but of my research into America's Gilded Age and the colorful characters from this era who left their imprint on society forever.

Your Dreams Were Your Ticket Out. Yes, they were, and yet I never envisaged there would be so many people in my travels who would leave their impression on me. Here are just a few:

Yoshua DiCarpio is quite the musician and during his break at Java Jive in Honokowai, he made a bee line for my wife and me. Yes, we enjoyed his set, but Yoshua is so personable and talented and he's from Cleveland, Ohio!

The Lady From Lahaina whom I met at the laundromat who apologized for taking so many of the washing machines. As she explained, she lost her home to the fires and is now forced to do the family's laundry at the only available laundromat.

Our Hostess At Moana Sands In Rarotonga Cook Islands who despite having family in town for an unveiling (a remembrance ceremony a year after the funeral), she supplied us, from her own garden, a constant supply of passion fruit and dragon fruit.

Our Waiter, Levi, At The Crown Range Lounge In Parnell Auckland, New Zealand, who knows how to deliver top notch service. Levi made sure we were personally introduced to Jung Song, the owner of the restaurant and the Crown Range vineyards in the Bendigo wine region, where she is known for the quality drop "China Girl".

Our Air New Zealand Seat Mate during our flight to Queenstown, a young lady and school teacher from Boston. She is currently touring through NZ and Australia and had been to Queenstown before as evidenced by her sipping on a Speights. What blew our mind was during her previous visit, she had trekked the cliffs of the Southern Alps from Wanaka to Queenstown. It took us an hour to drive the Crown Range. This young lady completed her journey in 4 days! She is traveling on a one-way ticket, earning money along the way at odd jobs, and with no definite day of returning to the US.

Michael, just 3 months out of London, and loving following his passion for wine at the Mt. Difficulty vineyard in Bannockburn, Central Otago. We made an instant connection sharing stories in common, and Michael sharing his knowledge of the vineyard with me. I tried not to stare at his painted white fingernails, but decided this only complimented his colorful personality.

Felix Our Wine Tasting Server At The Mt. Rosa Vineyards who instantly made us his friends once he learned my best friend is from Malaysia. Felix is Malaysian also and is working in the Gibbston Valley saving up funds for his upcoming wedding. One week later and while we were at another tasting room, Felix's name came up again. He's that memorable!

Rommel who was serving us tastings of Valli wines. We purchased a flight of 3 wines, yet ended up with 6 as Rommel kept finding different samples that we just had to try. A doctor by trade from Dubai and an entrepreneur extraordinaire, our day was made so much richer by our time with Rommel.

The Young Lass With A Slight French Accent originally from Connecticut, but who is brilliantly representing the chef at the Rockferry Wine Restaurant. I was immediately sold by her description of the chef's special of the day - pate' - one that had been crafted using a boar's snout and jowl. Two kilometers down the road the chef's friend, a pig farmer, had only slaughtered the beast just 3 weeks' prior. The delicacy was to die for and to top it off the chef made an appearance at our table with shavings of prosciutto from the same beast.

Margot and her talented and personable husband who allowed us to stay at their batch, which had panoramic views over Cooks Beach, for two nights. They supplied us with freshly picked passion fruit and avocados, which had only fallen from the trees in the orchard. Our most memorable event with them is when a wild boar appeared in their/our back yard at dusk. There was only one option and that was to fell it. Our host came to warn us that a gunshot would take place and not to be alarmed.

We also stayed at a beautiful historic stone cottage in Clyde, NZ. While enjoying an amazing meal at the Stoaker Room in Oliver's Restaurant, a young girl who was excited to tell us of her starting university, cashed us out. She enquired where we were staying, and yes she knew of the cottage. It was her great, great grandmother who grew up in this one-room home and we learned of its history and how our cottage was originally the village's doctor's office.

Then, there's Dom Mondillo. Sounds Italian, right? Well, his family is from the East Coast of the US. We learned of Dom's notoriety only 2 days into our journey of the South Island. We made an appointment through Dom's wife to visit the Mondillo Estate. When we arrived at the tasting room, Dom came over the hillside on his farm bike. What an engaging man, and one whom is responsible for the start up of the Bendigo wine region back in the 1970's and 80's! He knows this country like the back of his hand and has seen everything imaginable during his tenure, especially telling us his stories during Covid. We had to buy a bottle of his wine that he's named "Nina" in honor of his mother back in the States.

Our B&B Hostess In Nelson/Richmond Whom We'll Call The "Lavender Lady", for she harvests lavender for a living. We loved the outdoor soaking tub that she had provided for our leisure and are so grateful for her recommendation to visit "The Grape Escape" in town for brunch. What a delightful venue this is and while my wife was memorized by "Colonel Mustard", the parakeet, two middle-aged ladies sitting opposite to us struck up a conversation with me. Long story short, one of the ladies owned a cafe in Paihia in the Bay Of Island - at the other end of the country - during the 1980's. She not only knew of my NZ family's "Aunty Daph", but provided her in-home care until the grand lady's death. There were so many stories to share, and yes, it is a small world.

Finally, it was time to fly out of Auckland. My wife and I were playing cards in a bistro, biding our time, when the guy across from us asks what game we were playing. Turns out he is from Canada and was heading back home too, where he was looking forward to playing the exact same card game with his family and children. Yet, this wasn't the most striking interaction that afternoon. An elderly man approaches me in the departure lounge and says, "So, wher deed ya kneek that shurt?" I was somewhat startled because I had not "knicked" my Appalachian Trail shirt, but purchased it in Harper's Ferry, and I told him so. I instantly recognized the typical humor of this ex-pat Kiwi/Aussie, and at the age of 75, he was headed to "Merica" to walk the entire Appalachian Trail. He said it should take him 5 months and a few more days.

Welcome Back To That Same Old Place. Back in Ohio now and adorned in my winter parka again, I have got to acquaint myself with that "same old place" that we call home. We're busy. There's a family member's home that needs clearing out for selling, and in doing so, the difference in life's choices is so stark. Over 66 years of talking about visiting places "one of these days", but the evidence in the house speaks for itself otherwise. Money was saved up in their bank account and so many other everyday "things" were saved and stored as well. But, there is no evidence of leisure travel. I choose to enrich myself with experiences while engaging and learning from others. I guess this is what makes everyone different from one another.

And What Could Ever Lead You Back Here - Where We Need You? A major part of receiving is giving. All of these aforementioned people, and so many more, enriched our lives during these past 3 months, but we also gave to them through our interaction. So, I'm back to share with you, not only presently, but going forward. Expect another blog shortly; one not so lengthy. Until then, check out my website - www.beckleysbooks.com for my upcoming events. I hope to have a major announcement for you in my next blog too! Til then ...

Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Welcome Back


Mei-Re, My Angel


Auld lang Syne